Deep Country Lodge
47 Cormack Drive
Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada
A5A 1E1

Dean Crocker / CEO / PH

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Complete Your North American Grand Slam with a
Woodland Caribou Hunt
– Call Dean Today! 1.709.685.2463

One thing about Newfoundland hospitality is you’ll never go hungry. We have full-time journeymen cooks on staff at all our lodges. Your mornings will start off with a lumberjack style breakfast to ensure your day of hunting starts off right. Lunch will be packed to take into the field with you for the day. Your hunting guide will light a fire, and you can have a good old fashioned mug up and tell a few stories.


Dinner each evening will be a culinary delight ranging from turkey dinner, pork chops, salmon, cod fish, lasagna, roast beef dinner, steak night as well as traditional Newfoundland foods. This will be topped off by delicious homemade desserts.


Please let us know if there are any allergies to foods or if you have any special needs when you book your hunt. We supply bottled water to our clients for drinking water.



If you want to become an official Newfoundlander, we can have you screeched in.
Don’t forget to ask for the details on this one.

Newfoundland Screech In